Sunday, August 1, 2010

Block 63

Flower Beds

I'm Daddy's girl here. 
Dad spent our youth 
wanting to plant flowers,
unbeknown  to
Lee & I.
But he waited until 
we had outgrown
playing in the
back yard
before he started
his beds.

He had some
tomatoes and peppers

when they moved
to 19th Street,
he put flower beds
on the west, north
and east sides of the house.
He also had them
on the south and east
sides of the garage.

The main thing we have
different is that I
can not grow
No idea why?
I always followed 
planting instructions
 to a "T."
Then water  when needed,
do whatever the books say.
What do I end up with?
Normally a plant 
that looks smaller
than the one I planted :0{

all is not lost.
I found that I can grow
blue morning glories,
red coral bells
purple coneflowers.
and I have had some 
butterfly bushes.

Add some daffodils,
in the spring,
and my garden
is usually complete.

Once in a while,
when  I can find
an old-fashioned hollyhock
I plant it.
They grow fairly well too.
Dear Lord, 
Thank you for this generational connection to Dad. He would have been so pleased to have lived long enough to know that Chris had inherited it also. Three generations of people who like to experiment with flower beds.

Hum, wonder how much of the trait I got from Mom's side of the family. The family name . . .  Winegardner.



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