Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Block 77


Diogenes of Sinope

He used to stroll about 
in full daylight with a lamp;
when asked what he was doing,
he would answer, "
I am just looking for an honest man."
Diogenes looked for a human being 
but reputedly found nothing 
but rascals and scoundrels.

I am not looking
for an honest man,
I have already found 
my honest man
and I wasn't looking.
What I am looking for
is honesty. 

Whenever a student
would say, "I'm sorry"
too me,
my response was always,
"Are you sorry you did it
or sorry you got caught."

It was interesting 
seeing students 
who would honestly answer
"I'm sorry I got caught."
 would always thank them,
if the situation didn't
warrant more,
let it drop.

I wanted my students
to know that honesty
would get them further
than a lie.

I think it worked
with some students,
though not all.

I like an honest person.
It seems like
there are 
too many people 
who would rather lie
than tell the truth.

sometimes a lie is needed
for a good reason.
I can remember 
 my aunt
that the doctor
said she was "hyper."
He had said she had
but I knew 
if she knew that
she would become
more nervous
than she was.
And my aunt
could work herself
into a hospitalization
with her worries.

I still honor honesty.
I am hoping that
it will become
more relevant
as time goes on.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for creating honest people. hank you for all of the hard work that parents do when they work at teaching their children to be honest.
 I know it is a hard skill to master, and some of us never quite get to the mastery level. So, that brings me to Thank you for keeping honesty in sight.



Denise said...

This is a blessing today's society really needs. I also feel that omission is lying. DH tends to disagree. What do you think?


paula said...

Omission, ignoring, turning a "deaf ear" . . . to me they can all fit in this category . . . . I guess that comes from teaching . . . kids would think they could do these and get by . . NOT! LOLOL

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