to laugh.
My sense of humor
lets me laugh
at a wide range
of things.
My laugh
is something
that I
am known for.
You know
when you hear
certain sounds
you know
exactly who
or what
it is?
that's my laugh.
Former students
have come up to me
in stores
because they
heard my laugh.
They said
they knew it was me . . .
they could never
forget my laugh.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my laugh . . . it is unique to me. No one else has the sound that I do. I like laughing deeply . . . all the way down to my toes. It is exhilarating. It may tire the body at times, but it is so enjoyable.
Lord, I feel sorry for people who have no laughter in their lives. It is something that all people deserve . . . to be able to laugh at things in their lives. . . no matter how small it may be, they need to laugh.
Laughter is the best medicine! DH has a distinctive laugh too.
Wow! You are just cooking! You're gonna be done with this soon!
Smiles - Denise
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