Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Block 85

Not Incarcerated
This is my artistic rendition
of looking at a jail cell window in an old west jail.
Never have been,
never will be.

I am not perfect.
I've been
busted twice . . .
once for running a stoplight
and once
for driving 80
in a 60 mph zone.
I am sure,
as a child,
from the corner store.
As a matter of fact,
I know I did . . . 
Mom said 
I once held my hands out
and said,
"Look what I got!"
It was something
from the store . . . 
she marched me 
right back
where I had to tell Fran
(the owner of the store)
what I had done.
Don't know what else
Mom did,
but I know
I never did it again!

I had so many students
who took jail
for granted.
Either their parents,
spent time in jail.
They spoke about
going to see them
like I would talk
about seeing someone
in the hospital . . . 
like it was 
perfectly normal.

Go figure?

Dear Lord,
 Again, thank you for my moral compass. More times than I can count, it has kept me from doing something I shouldn't. It has also kept me away from people I didn't need to be around. Thanks for giving me the sense to "know the difference."


Denise said...

Now never say never...maybe after you turn 60 that ornery streak will come out and get you into trouble ;0)


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