Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Warning...Suspected Phishing site

PLEASE let me know if any more of you get The title of this posting when you visit my blog.

I received an email today that included this info:
But, every time I went to your site, it had one of those big red warning signs that said Warning...Suspected Phishing site.

So, 3 of the blogs listed on your site did this. I did not want others who may get this warning to think there was something up. I know and you know that you've been a blogger for a long time so it's someone or something within your site that got infected. It may have been a place where you posted photos or something. Anyway, It was fine to view on Internet Explorer but other browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Mozilla showed the Warnings.
It didn't have the red highlighted area, I just wanted that to stand out for all of you.
I have deleted the widget on my sidebar that had listed the blogs I followed . . . I am hoping this takes care of the problem.
BIT . . .if you get this message . . PLEASE TELL ME ! ! ! ! !
I Just Hate it When Crap Like This Happens to Me . . or Anyone Else


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