Monday, July 26, 2010

Block 53

You know how it feels to wait?
You know the wait will end,
but the wait
seems forever. 

When driving through Logan,
as a child,
you couldn't get 
from the westside
to the southside
without waiting for
a train.

Do you remember 
how long trains used to be?
One or two engines pulling
after car,
after car
of who knows what.
 The ding,
of the crossing bars.
The rhythmic
rumblings of the iron wheels
 going over the rails.
Learning to read
the names 
on the cars.
(Probably made me 
a better reader.)

And then,
behind the train
with the friendly 
standing on the back deck
who would always wave.

That caboose was special.
It let me know 
that the wait
was over.

the crossbars would raise
and we would be 
on our way,
always looking to see
if the friendly 
railroader was still
standing there
waving at people.

when trains go by
there are no cabooses.
No need for a place
for the railroaders to ride
because they aren't needed
to throw the switches
when the train comes to,
or leaves,
an area.
trains go by so fast
that one  can't even get the
engineers attention
for a quick wave.

Dear Lord,
 Thank you for cabooses. Thank you for for purring something at the end of trains that let me know the wait was over. Thank you for the switchmen who rode in them who waved. And thank you for the bright lantern that always swung, glowing brightly, from the roof of the caboose over the little deck that always told me, "It's nighttime, the railroaders are asleep so they put me out here to wave at you."

Pennsylvania Depot . . . 4th and Melbourne . . . Logansport, Indiana


tongfengdemao said...

Love your little red caboose!

Did you notice in the photo below it that the things on the wired make it look like a musical staff?

Recently I saw a railroad man wave at the people they were passing. I'm not sure where. Might have been here in Salem (probably was).

Sew Many Blessings
Needle & Fabric Art
airycat at airynothing dot net

paula said...

Faith . .
I didn't notice, but you are so observant. They do look like music notes on a staff.

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