Monday, August 9, 2010

Block 71


You can't live with it
and you can't live without it.

I know,
"What do you mean,
that you can't live 
with money?"

I don't mean
Donald Trump-like money . . .

What I mean is:
No matter
how much money
one has,
it seems like
it is never enough.
I have found out,
in the beginning
of my teaching career
and now in retirement,
 I was,
and have become again,
more creative
with how I use my money.

I have to 
stop and think
just how important
something is to me . . . 
Do I REALLY need it?

I also have found that
I have become
more  creative,
with my gifts.
I like that! 
I would rather
give a gift I made
than something 
I bought.
But I had gotten lazy.
on a limited budget
I have to be creative

money is important,
but it isn't
#1 on the list 
of needs.
money can make
life easier,
but that doesn't mean
that life is any better.
A good life,
is like beauty,
it is in the eye
of the beholder.

Dear Lord,
You know, Lord, I am not sure this blessing is really about money.  I think it is really about being able to be able to get things that one needs. It might be through payment with money. It could be payment through bartering a skill, a good or a service. 

I think this blessing is about always being able to obtain what I honestly need in whatever way, legally that is,  that I can . . . no matter the circumstances.



Denise said...

We seem to be thinking along the same lines. I have a friends who always says, "Hoping you have enough."

I think that about covers everything.


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